Alex Kluczny


Queensland Diamond Cove Website



The Queensland Diamond Cove website was developed as part of one of my final classes at SAIT, allowing me to gain real-world experience in our chosen field. In this project, we were tasked with forming a group and reaching out to a non-profit organization, or a similar entity, to offer our volunteer services and apply the skills we had acquired during our program. My group collaborated with the Queensland Diamond Cove Community Center in Calgary. Their primary requirement was to enhance the user experience on their online platform and attract more visitors to the center.

My specific responsibility within the group was to conceptualize and design the website. What you see below is the mockup version of the website that I meticulously crafted. While the site was successfully built, it has not been fully implemented due to certain internal challenges within the center. The website was developed using WordPress and a custom theme, designed to optimize functionality and visual appeal.